code AR323
credit_hours 2
title Music & Civilization
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prequisites None
credit hours 2
Description/Outcomes This course provides a tour through the world of music. Students start by studying the elements of music (melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre, texture, etc.) and building a comprehensive vocabulary with which to understand and evaluate musical expression. After this introduction, seven historical periods of music are presented: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Modern and Post - modern. Composers of the various periods are presented within the context of their era relating it to the civilization as well. Students learn how architecture has common terms with music such as harmony, texture, rhythm, and module according to the characteristics of the era- emphasis on music as a part of general culture.
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objectives • Provide the student knowledge of musical vocabulary and common architectural terms.rn• Enhance the students` practical skills in the field of identifying classical music.rn• Enhance the student’s understanding of the different eras of classical music.
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ref. books • POGUE David & SPECK Scott - Classical Music for Dummies - Wily Publishing, Inc. - USA - 1997.
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textbook • KAMIEN Roger - Music: An Appreciation - 4th ed. - Mc Graw Hill - New York - 2002.
arabic textbook
objective set
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course file 46_AR323_Music.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description
1 INTRODUCTION: Music & CivilizationrnDefinitions: Music, sound, pitch, dynamics, timbre (voices and instruments).Basic elements of music: Melody, harmony (consonance & dissonance, key, scale), rhythm (beat, meter, tempo, accent, syncopation), texture (monophonic, polyphonic& homophonic) and form (binary, ternary.)
2 MUSICAL STYLES:Introduction ANCIENT MUSIC: Egyptian,Mesopotamian Greek and Roman Music.Western Classical Music: MEDIEVAL, RENAISSANCE, BAROQUE, CLASSICAL, ROMANTIC, MODERN AND POST-MODERN. rn
3 MEDIEVAL PERIOD (450-1450)rnHistorical Events: Sack of Rome by Vandals, Reigh of Pope Gregory I, Crusades, 100 years war.Social and Cultural Background: Feudal System: nobility, peasantry and clergy. Age of faith & chivalry.Characteristics of Medieval Music: Melody: Sacred Music: (Gregorian Chant: The Church Modes) Secular Music: (Troubadours, trouvères) harmony, rhythm, timbre, texture (monophony & polyphony).Composers: School of Nôtre - Dâme: LEONIN and PEROTIN. Guillaume de MACHAUT.
4 THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD (1450-1600)rnHistorical Events: The invention of printing (Gutenberg), the Fall of Constantinople, and Columbus reaches America, Martin Luther and Protestant Reformation. Spanish Armada defeated.rnSocial and Cultural Background: Age of Humanism.Characteristics of Renaissance Music: (Importance of vocal music. “acapella”) melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre, texture (polyphony), forms (madrigal, motet, mass).Composers: Josquin DESPREZ, PALESTRINA.
5 THE BAROQUE PERIOD (1600-1750): rnHistorical Events: Scientific advances, Galilio, Newton.rnSocial and Cultural Background: Age of Absolutism.rnCharacteristics of Baroque Music: melody, harmony (basso continuo),Rhythm, Timbre (organ, harpsichord, clavichord.) Form: fugue, sonata, concerto, suite, oratorio, church cantata).Composers: Claudio MONTEVERDI, Hery PURCELL, Antonio VIVALDI, Johann Sebastian BACH, George Frederic HANDEL.
6 THE BAROQUE PERIOD (1600-1750): rnHistorical Events: Scientific advances, Galilio, Newton.rnSocial and Cultural Background: Age of Absolutism.rnCharacteristics of Baroque Music: melody, harmony (basso continuo),Rhythm, Timbre (organ, harpsichord, clavichord.) Form: fugue, sonata, concerto, suite, oratorio, church cantata).rnComposers: Claudio MONTEVERDI, Hery PURCELL, Antonio VIVALDI, Johann Sebastian BACH, George Frederic HANDEL.
7 Continuation of the previous lecture and evaluation.
8 Historical Events: The invention of steam engine. American and French revolutions, Napoleonic War.rnSocial and Cultural Background: Age of Enlightenment. The shift of political and economic power from aristocracy and church to middle class.rnCharacteristics of Classical Music: Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, Texture and Form (chamber music, sonata form, theme and variations, minuet and trio, string quartets, symphony, concerto) Timbre: (Standard orchestra: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion).rnComposers: Joseph HAYDN, Wolgang Amadeus MOZART, Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN.
9 Historical Events: The invention of steam engine. American and French revolutions, Napoleonic War.rnSocial and Cultural Background: Age of Enlightenment. The shift of political and economic power from aristocracy and church to middle class.rnCharacteristics of Classical Music: Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, Texture and Form (chamber music, sonata form, theme and variations, minuet and trio, string quartets, symphony, concerto) Timbre: (Standard orchestra: strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion).rnComposers: Joseph HAYDN, Wolgang Amadeus MOZART, Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN.
10 ROMANTIC PERIOD (1820-1900) rnHistorical Events: Revolutions in Europe (1830, 1848) Marx & Engels. Darwin. American Civil war. Invention of the telephone (BELL).rnSocial & Cultural Background: Industrial Revolution.rnCharacteristics of Romantic Music: melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, form: (Program Music – Art song, requiem,romance, nocturne, polonaise) Timbre (Standard orchestra piano: favorite instrument).rnRomantic Composers: Franz SCHUBERT, Robert SCHMANN, Frederic CHOPIN Franz LISZT, Felix MENDELSSOHN, Hector BERLIOZ.rnNationalism in Music: Bedrich SMETANA, Antonin DVORAK – Peter Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY - Jean SIBELIUS – Johannes BRAHMS - Giuseppe VERDI – Giacomo PUCCINI – Richard WAGNER.
11 ROMANTIC PERIOD (1820-1900) rnHistorical Events: Revolutions in Europe (1830, 1848) Marx & Engels. Darwin. American Civil war. Invention of the telephone (BELL).rnSocial & Cultural Background: Industrial Revolution.rnCharacteristics of Romantic Music: melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, form: (Program Music – Art song, requiem,romance, nocturne, polonaise) Timbre (Standard orchestra piano: favorite instrument).rnRomantic Composers: Franz SCHUBERT, Robert SCHMANN, Frederic CHOPIN Franz LISZT, Felix MENDELSSOHN, Hector BERLIOZ.rnNationalism in Music: Bedrich SMETANA, Antonin DVORAK – Peter Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY - Jean SIBELIUS – Johannes BRAHMS - Giuseppe VERDI – Giacomo PUCCINI – Richard WAGNER.
12 Continuation of the previous lecture and evaluation.
13 Modern Music (20th Century to World War II): rnHistorical Events: First World war (1914-1918) Russian Revolution: Hitler chancellor of Germany, Second World War (1939-1945) - The Atomic Bomb destroys Hiroshima. Social & Cultural Background: Extremes of violence and progress, new weapons of unprecedented destruction, dictatorship & global depression. Alienation, annihilism & dehumanization.rnCharacteristics of Modern Music: harmony, melody, rhythm, timbre. rnComposers: Claude DEBUSSY(impressionism) Igor STRAVINSKY (neoclassicism) Arnoled SCHENBERG, Alban BERG (Viennese expressionism) Anton WEBERN, Bella BATROK, Charles IVES, Georges GERSHWIN, Aorun COPLAND.
14 POST- MODERN MUSIC (1945 TO THE PRESENT) Historical Events: American astronauts land on the moon – Dissolution of the Soviet Union. President Kennedy is assassinated.rnSocial and Cultural Background: Cold war between United States and Soviet Union. Breakup of colonial empires, rapid economic growth, development in technology and science. Humans walked on the moon. The United States powerfully shaped world culture and entertainment. Characteristics of post–modern music: trance music, minimalist music, electronic music, ragtime, jazz, blues, rock, the Beatles, etc. Timbre: Electronic Instruments (Synthesizers). Composers: John CAGE – Edgard VARESE, Louis ARMSTRONG, Charlie PARKER, Miles DAVIS, Leonard BERNSREIN.
15 POST- MODERN MUSIC (1945 TO THE PRESENT) Historical Events: American astronauts land on the moon – Dissolution of the Soviet Union. President Kennedy is assassinated.rnSocial and Cultural Background: Cold war between United States and Soviet Union. Breakup of colonial empires, rapid economic growth, development in technology and science. Humans walked on the moon. The United States powerfully shaped world culture and entertainment. Characteristics of post–modern music: trance music, minimalist music, electronic music, ragtime, jazz, blues, rock, the Beatles, etc. Timbre: Electronic Instruments (Synthesizers). Composers: John CAGE – Edgard VARESE, Louis ARMSTRONG, Charlie PARKER, Miles DAVIS, Leonard BERNSREIN.