Biofouling is the accumulation of bacterial growth, algae, and sessile invertebrates on any submerged surface. To combat fouling ships must constantly undergo cleaning up and maintenance processes. Protecting boat hulls against biofouling is a compelling necessity, not only to prevent material corrosion and degradation but also to maintain the proper maneuverability of the boats, thereby ensuring safety at sea. Antifouling paints are widely used to counteract this problem, using toxic substances such as copper-containing paints, which negatively impact marine organisms. Raising the awareness of fishermen about this problem and encouraging them to use eco-friendly antifouling paints is of great importance; environmentally and economically.
Initiative: Antifouling paints: Environmental hazards and alternatives (Abu-Qir Bay Fishermen community outreach workshop) on AASTMT webpage
Students at the College of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology have participated in the First International Conference of the Institute of Genetic Engineering Research "Challenges and New Prospects in Biotechnology Sciences" at the City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications. That was evaluated as the best poster presented at the conference.