Work Package 4

Work Package 4




The tailoring training course will be divided to two phases of new and developed courses. Hence, the training courses will be depends on deliverable WP2 and WP3. The courses will be made mainly by the European partners where SWU will lead this workpackage and contribute with their high experiences to automation and control subjects.



SU will provide their expertise in autonomous and smart engineering courses. UNIOVI and UCY will support the project in the fields of energy consumptions and management subjects. Hence the all modules are totally covered by the four EU partner universities. Also, this workpackage Technology Transfer Center will establish in conjunction with EU and JOR partners, comprehensive training system shall be implemented to assure the quality of the service provided to the labours/engineers from the industry as well as house holders through this center.






4 courses were created and uploaded to the E learn system black board at the SU data base system



Introduction to Energy Management.  (AASTMT)

Energy Integration by Lab View

Energy Audit. (AASTMT)

Waste Heat Recovery and Performance Evaluation.  (IST)



WP4 Achievments