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  • The second round of roundtables for co-designing and validating Technology Transfer and Innovation Initiatives and protocols

The second round of roundtables for co-designing and validating Technology Transfer and Innovation Initiatives and protocols

The Eastern Living Lab team leader the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), in cooperation with the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce and the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations “CEEBA”, TECHLOG project partners (ENI CBC MED co-funded project), participated in the second round of roundtables for co-designing and validating Technology Transfer and Innovation Initiatives on safety. The main aim of the roundtable discussions was to point out the needs and wants of various public and private transportation and port cargo handling companies and port workers such as truck drivers, and crane operators and reach stackers/ forklift operators regarding safety operations and measures to further co-design and validate the outcomes of roundtable discussions held with stakeholders last March during the Egyptian Eastern Living Lab launch event. The outcomes will be implemented in the Egyptian pilot actions in form of a comprehensive simulation training program for gantry crane operators, truck drivers and reach stacker and forklift operators that is planned to start in October 2023.

Discussions took place online via ZOOM on Sunday 1st of October at 11:00 am for trucking companies (truck drivers and reach stacker / forklift operators training) and 12:30 pm for cargo handling companies (gantry crane operators training), where each meeting lasted for 1 hour. During the discussions participants from different stakeholder companies reconfirmed the results of the prior roundtables last March during the Egyptian Eastern Living Lab launch event, in which safety, fatigue, productivity and eco-driving were discussed. Participants also further validated that according to the Egyptian context, safety is the most important criterion that the training modules must focus on. Discussions also highlighted the specifications of the training protocol taking the form of pilot actions, where the safety key performance indicators, and conditions and factors are to be taken into consideration.