3.3.5 Mental health support

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  • 3.3.5 Mental health support

Mental health support is provided through the students’ affairs deanery in the form of behavioral and cognitive therapy and family counseling by specialist. The clinics also offer more specialized therapy according to the case. Throughout the past year, highly qualified specialists have helped students all over AASTMT campuses to overcome emotional and mental complications. Different events have been organized to spread awareness and education on how to maintain good mental health.

Summer Camp (Mental Health and Burnout) 

During the summer camp of College of Medicine, trainers; Iynour Nabil, Ahmed Hassan, and Seif Ata gave sessions about Mental Health and Burnout, Unearthing the Treasures of Literature, and Motivation.

Summer Camp workshop on social media 

Mental Health Debate

A very intriguing debate to discuss mental health issues was conducted in AAST-Alamein Campus.

The debate topics were:

1- There is a relationship between artistic talent and mental illness

2- Mental illness is stigmatized by society

3- Physical violence does not promote mental illness

Mental Health Debate workshop on social media

World Suicide Prevention Day

Suicide is a serious public health concern. It can affect anyone and is complex with risk factors varying by age, gender, and ethnicity. Individuals suffering from suicidal thoughts often show warning signs that can be easily missed. By knowing what to look for and being direct with our concerns, we can help start conversations, encourage positive behavior change, and emphasize the importance of seeking help.

World Suicide Prevention Day  workshop on social media

Men and Mental Health (Breaking the Stigma)

Mental health is just as important for men as it is for women, but there is still a stigma attached to men seeking help for mental health problems. This stigma can prevent men from getting the help they need, and it can lead to serious consequences, such as suicide.

Men and Mental Health  workshop on social media

A Guide to intersectionality and Toxic Relationships Awareness

On the Monday 5 June, 2023, Sessions were organized by experienced trainers to give a guide to intersectionality and talking about Toxic Relationships.

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