Responsible Consumption and Production

12.2.3 Policy waste disposal - hazardous materials

AASTMT is endeavoring to properly dispose of hazard waste. All hazardous materials must be stored in suitable cabinets, such as flammable material storage cabinets, both before and after use for protection.

AASTMT Consumption and Recycling Policy includes the processes of hazardous material.

Read our Consumption and Recycling Policy statement

German-African Mediterranean Cooperation Toward Prevention of Marine Litter
Within the framework of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport’s interest in participating in international conferences, the Vice President of the Academy and Professor at the Institute of Basic and Applied Sciences - Faculty of Engineering and Technology participated in the Climate Summit Conference by presenting a lecture entitled: Sharm El-Sheikh. The session is titled “German African Mediterranean Cooperation Toward Prevention of Marine Litter”. This is in the axis of Raising the African coordination and awareness on waste to reduce the impact on the natural ecosystem, which was managed by the environment ministers of Egypt, Gabon, and Senegal.

German African Mediterranean Cooperation Toward on Social media

German-Egyptian SME Training and Exchange Program in Waste Management

The Faculty of Engineering and Technology family is pleased to extend its sincere congratulations to Dr. Mohamed Khamis Hassan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Administrative Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Headquarters in Abu Qir, on the occasion of the victory of the project submitted by him in cooperation with one of the Egyptian companies working in the field of waste recycling, and by participating in the training and exchange project presented by German Aid. “German-Egyptian SME Training and Exchange Program in Waste Management”. This came out of the state’s interest in climate change and reducing polluting emissions and considering Egypt’s hosting of the COP27 climate conference and the research efforts made at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at the main headquarters.

Event photos on social media