Decent Work and Economic Growth

Policy against Forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor

Read our Policy against Forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor

The "Policy against Forced Labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labor" at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport is committed to upholding ethical and humanitarian standards in all its operations. The policy encompasses a broad range of stakeholders, including staff, interns, volunteers, and suppliers, and it applies to all university activities and processes. The primary objective is to ensure compliance with the Modern Slavery Acts and to prevent any form of forced labor, human trafficking, or labor rights violations within the university's supply chains. The policy articulates a zero-tolerance stance and emphasizes the importance of ethical conduct and integrity in all interactions and transactions. It outlines specific standards and procedures related to labor rights, child labor, discrimination, and consequences for violations. Additionally, it includes measures for supplier accountability and emphasizes that non-compliance may result in suspension from future collaborations with the university.