Construction & Building Engineering

What You'll Study

The Construction & Building Engineering Program provides technical skills in mathematics, basic sciences, engineering science, engineering design, humanities, and social sciences consistent with national and international accreditation standards and needs.

The program provides critical learning for a broad foundation in structural engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, construction materials, water resources engineering, coastal engineering, construction management, construction engineering, and transportation.
Through years of study, the students will gain different skills to prepare them professionally for diverse employment opportunities.


Degrees Offred

The Construction & Building Engineering department offers undergraduate degree (B.Sc.) in Construction & Building Engineering and postgraduate degrees (M. Eng., M.Sc., and Ph.D.) in Construction & Building Engineering

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Market & Career

  • Construction & Project Management 

    Planning and management of the construction of structures such as roads, railroads, airports, bridges, dams, water treatment plants, and other different infra and superstructures; through organizing and coordinating human resources, equipment, and materials so that the construction process is accomplished efficiently, safely, and in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable way.

    The graduate will have the knowledge to: estimate the cost of construction of different projects; design contracts; oral and written communications; safety requirements; project planning and project management; construction accounting.

  • Design 

    Designing the "bones and muscles" that make the form and shape of manmade structures.

    Designing and choosing the optimum construction materials for different structures under different conditions.
    Designing earthworks and structure foundations.
    Planning, designing, and management of any mode of transportation while considering the safety, comfort, cost and environment.
    Designing and managing the freshwater supply systems. Choosing and designing structures for preserving the coastline from different problems. As well as planning, designing and constructing ports and their different facilities.

  • Environmental Engineering

    Study water, soil and air pollution problems, and develop technical solutions needed to solve, attenuate or control these problems in a manner that is compatible with legislative, economic, social and political concerns, as well as improving environmental quality. 

Planning Your Career Path

Discover growing job marekts and identify carrers that match your skill

Career path you can Pursue with Construction & Building Engineering

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