
Introduction to construction engineering as related to the overall types of Engineering projects - A brief review of the construction industry site layout, erection of steel and concrete structures - Drawings to demonstrate the concepts of various types of civil engineering and construction projects which include: residential and industrial buildings, water resources projects, urban transportation systems, coastal development projects, and environmental protection projects - Design and construction drawings which include architectural systems, structural systems, mechanical and electrical installation. Field strips and analysis of local construction projects.


Bachelor Degree in Construction and Building Engineering


  • The objective of this course to introduce the student with the knowledge of construction engineering drawings.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Week No.1 :Construction industry ( Phases of projects execution & operation to turn-key and contract documents (designs and specification drawings).
2Week No.2:Building structural systems (Foundations, frames, columns, and bearing walls).
3Week No.3: Retaining walls (Application in building & water resources, Stepped retaining walls, Plain concrete retaining walls, Reinforced concrete retaining walls.
4Week No.4:Retaining walls(cont.).
5Week No.5:Earth work (canals) .
6Week No.6: Earth work (Roads).
7Week No.7 :Stairs (Types of stairs, Geometric design of stairs).
8Week No.8: Residential & Commercial buildings (Architectural plans, Electrical plans, Plumbing plans, Phases of building execution.
9Week No.9: Residential & Commercial buildings (cont.)
10Week No.10: Steel drawings and construction.rnSteel columns on column bases, Trusses with angles, Trusses with hollow section.rn
11Week No.11: Steel drawings and construction(Cont).
12Week No.12: Transportation systems. rn
13Week No.13: Reinforced concrete bridges.
14Week No.14: Rolled steel joint bridges.
15Week No.15: Timber bridges.
16Week No.16: Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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