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Iman Gamal AL Din Morsy

Vice Dean for Training Affairs and Community Service, Assistant President for Training Affairs, Electronics and Communications Engineering


Degrees: •B.Sc degree in Electronics and Communication, from Electronics and Communications Department, Alexandria University -Egypt, 1991. •M.Sc degree in Electronics and Communication Electronics and Communications Department, Alexandria University -Egypt, 1996. •PhD degree in Electronics and Communications, Electronics and Communications Department, Alexandria University -Egypt, 2002. •Part-time lecturer, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Dept., College of Engineering Arab Academy for Science & Technology & Maritime Transport, Alexandria, 1998-2000. •Participated in the design of lighting distribution of the painted fence of Military Hospital, "Ultra Design Office", 1999. •Part-time lecturer: Electronics and Communications Department from 2002-2006. •Lecturer in Technical and Vocational Institute 2005 till 2007. •Full time in Electronics and Communications Department from 2006 till now. •Associate professor in 1/8/2008 •Full Professor in 1/2/2013. •Vice-Dean of Training Affairs and Community Service from 1/10/2013 till now. Awards: •Best Young Scientist Paper Award. 19th National Radio Science Conference, National Radio Science Committee, International Union Department Academy of Science Scientific Research and Technology for paper “On-Line Prediction of Photovoltaic Output Power under Cloudy Skies by Using Fuzzy Logic”. •Marquis Who's who award for outstanding achievement in my own field and Society, year 2007. •Two awards from Arab Academy for Science and Technology for published in distinguished journals. •Four awards from Arab Academy for Science and Technology for being distinguished in community services. Experience: •Lecturer in Electronics and Communication Department from 1998- till now. I taught Solid State Electronics, Measurements and Instrumentation, Electronic Measurements (Undergraduate Courses) •Postgraduate Course (Automated Measurements) •Lecturer in Mechatronics department •Technical and Vocational Institute from 2005-2007. •Course coordinator for solid state electronics and measurements courses. •Supervising 20 undergraduate projects from 1998 till now. •Supervised 24 master thesis, 13 thesis are finished and 11 thesis are still processing. Current research: •(Sensors Applications and Fabrications , applications using Microcontrollers, Data Fusion using artificial intelligence techniques, PLC applications on LG Siemens instruments, SCADA system applications, and automated measurements). •Introduced 35 papers in our field, part of them are published in journal (Elsevier, Hindawi, and Alexandria University). •Course coordinator for solid state electronics and measurements courses. •Supervising 20 undergraduate projects from 1998 till now. •Supervised 24 master thesis, 13 thesis are finished and 11 thesis are still processing •Published group of papers are in IEEE proceedings. •Contribute with a chapter in a (Data Storage Book). Intech.org ISBN 978-953-307-0636, Austria, JAN 2010 •Developed Notes for the automated measurement course, in addition to laboratory Notes for measurements courses for under and post graduate students. Training opportunities: •From 2008 till now is responsible to provide training opportunities for undergraduate students in Electronics and Communications Department •From 2010 till now Responsible to search and provide training opportunities for undergraduate students for different departments in the college of engineering in companies, in addition to internal and external internship. •Responsible for organizing workshops from different engineering departments, 2008 till now. •Responsible for many students activities such as: student council, sports day, scientific and general knowledge competitions,2009 till now •Responsible for organizing Engineering Day,2009 till now •Responsible for organizing Remember Day, 2009 till now. Community Services: •Responsible for many community services and charities such as: Orphan's day, donation for hospitals (57357) and many others. •Visits to geriatric houses, and handicapped houses. •Responsible for widows and poor people, and many other activities which serve the community.Assistant president for training from 1/3/2017 till now



Bachelor - Faculty of Engineering Alexandria University -

BS.c MS.c Ph.d. Electronics Measurements


academic experience


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Honors & awards


Best Young Scientist Paper Award. 19th National Radio Science Conference, National Radio Science Committee

for paper “On-Line Prediction of Photovoltaic Output Power Under Cloudy Skies by Using Fuzzy Logic”.2002

I got the Marquis Who's who award

for outstanding achievement in my own field and Society, year 2007

Professional Experience

  • IEEE Instrumentations and Measurements.IEEE Sensors Journal


  • IEEE Measurements and Instrumentation Society,IEEE Sensor Journal

  • Arab Academy for Science and Technology,Electronics and Communicatios Department



I responsible for many community services and charity such as: orphans' day, donation for hospitals (57357) and many others, visits for geriatric house , handicapped house, responsible for widows and poor people, and many other activities which serve the

Funded Project
Start Date : 01 Jan 1900-01 Jan 1900

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