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Associate Professor

Hesham Abd Elslam ElZoka

Associate Professor, Computer Engineering




Doctorate - University of Nottingham, UK -

PhD Network Security


Master - Alexandria University -

Master Degree Network Security Systems


Bachelor - Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport -

B.Sc. in Communication & Computer Engineering Digitla Filter Design & Synthesis


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academic experience


Fields of Interest

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Professional Experience


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

CC417 - Assembly Language

2003 Spring Semester View All Content

CC442 - Digital Design & Intro. to Microprocessor

2001 Fall Semester View All Content

CC518 - Data Security

2000 Fall Semester View All Content

CC514 - Introduction to Big Data Management

1999 Fall Semester View All Content

CC411 - Introduction to Microprocessors

1999 Fall Semester View All Content
- Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes

CC216 - Digital Logic Design

1998 Spring Semester View All Content

CC112 - Structured Programming

1998 Spring Semester View All Content

CC111 - Introduction to Computers

1997 Fall Semester View All Content


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