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Vice Dean

Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Soliman

Associate Professor (Vice Dean for Education Affairs)


Mohamed Ahmed Elshrief is born in cairo, Egypt. He graduate from the Academy as a second officer in 1998 and worked on board merchant vessel from 1999 to 2008 with different ranks then obtaining the Bachelor Degree in Maritime Transport "Nautical Technology - College of Maritime Transport & Technology" in July 2009 in order to join working in the Academy as a faculty member (Since 2009). He has teach some courses related to the navigation science as well as responsible of the exams control unit in the college. He wrote some research paper in some journals for the porpose of improvement and promotions. In 2019 became In charge of the educational process of HAMA (Hellenic Arab Maritime Academy) in Athens by the AASTMT. In september 2021 has promoted to Vice dean for educational affairs (College of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology)


work experience

academic experience


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Honors & awards


Professional Experience

  • Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

FN 231 - Seamanship

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

MT402 - Project (2)

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

FT 471 - Graduation Project I

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

FT 481 - Graduation Project II

2021 Spring Semester View All Content

FN 242 - Coastal Navigation

2021 Spring Semester View All Content

BS222 - Ship Stability

2020 Spring Semester View All Content

BS263 - Radar & ARPA

2020 Spring Semester View All Content

BS133 - Celestial Navigation

2020 Fall Semester View All Content

BS261 - Ship Compasses & Auto Pilot

2020 Fall Semester View All Content

FN 232 - Introduction to Navigation

2018 Spring Semester View All Content

BS213 - Watchkeeping & Marine Communications

2017 Spring Semester View All Content

MT436 - Integrated Navigation System

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

UM 112 - Terrestrial Navigation

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

NS438 - Terrestrial Navigation III

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

MT438 - Terrestrial Navigation (3)

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

NS436 - Integrated Navigation System

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

BS111 - Seamanship Principles

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

MT437 - Navigation Reliability

2014 Spring Semester View All Content

BS235 - Voyage Planning & Weather Routing

2014 Spring Semester View All Content

MT235 - Voyage Planning & Weather Routing

2013 Spring Semester View All Content

MT132 - Terrestrial Navigation Part (1)

2013 Spring Semester View All Content

MT233 - Terrestrial Navigation Part (2)

2013 Spring Semester View All Content

BS234 - Terrestrial Navigation Part II

2013 Fall Semester View All Content

BS132 - Terrestrial Navigation Part I

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

MT131 - Introduction to Navigation

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

BS131 - Introduction to Navigation

2010 Fall Semester View All Content


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