About Biography
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Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant at Construction & Building Engineering Department


- An ABET accredited planning engineer, specialized in Construction Project Management field. Worked as Graduate Teaching Assisstant in AASTMT since Sep. 2018. - Graduated from Construction and Building department in 2018. - Awarded Msc in Construction and Building Engineering degree in 2023.



Master - College of Engineering & Technology - Egypt



Bachelor - College Of Engineering & Technology - Egypt



work experience

academic experience


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Honors & awards


Professional Experience

  • Graduate Teaching Assisstant
    Working as GTA starting from 01/09/2018


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

CB516 - Construction Project Management 1

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

CB519 - Construction Project Management 2

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

CB532 - Environmental & Sanitary Engineering

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

CB431 - Technical Installations in Buildings

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

CB514 - Construction Contracts and Law

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

CB326 - Building Information Modeling

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

CB510 - Project Management & Scheduling

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

CB532 - Environmental & Sanitary Engineering

2022 Summer Semester View All Content

CB514 - Construction Contracts and Law

2022 Summer Semester View All Content

CB532 - Environmental & Sanitary Engineering

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

CB514 - Construction Contracts and Law

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

CB516 - Construction Project Management 1

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

CB311 - Introduction to Construction Management

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

CB326 - Building Information Modeling

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

CB510 - Project Management & Scheduling

2021 Fall Semester View All Content


contact Me

Branch : AASTMT Port Said Branch, Port Said, Egypt

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Mobile : 01200796900

Email: Send Email

Location : Port Said 0 0