About Biography
Education Education History
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Courses Teaching Courses
Projects Supervised Projects

Assistant Lecturer

Ingy Ahmed Abd El salam

Senior Teaching Assistant



work experience

2001 - 2012

Teaching assistant


academic experience


Fields of Interest

Research Indicators


You can filter publications by years

Honors & awards


excellence with honour


Professional Experience

  • Arab Academy For Science and Technology


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

CR317 - Information Retrieval and Search Engines

2014 Spring Semester View All Content

E/AS325 - Projects Information systems (Advanced DB)

2012 Fall Semester View All Content
- Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes

E/AS415 - Decision Support Systems

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

CR419 - Graduation Project I

2011 Spring Semester View All Content

CR317 - Information Retrieval and Search Engines

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

CR315 - E-Business Strategies & Application

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

CR327 - Project Management

2009 Fall Semester View All Content

E/AS415 - Decision Support Systems

2009 Fall Semester View All Content

CR115 - Discrete Mathematics

2008 Spring Semester View All Content


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