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Ahmed mohammed Ezat

وكيل كلية النقل الدولى و اللوجيتسيات لشئون التعليم فرع مصر الجديدة


Egyptian academic, holder of a Ph.D. in International Economics with honours. Works for the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport since 2006, where he reached the post of head of Logistics of International Trade Department(since October 12). Economic researcher at the Ministry of Economics and Foreign Trade – Office of the Minister (2001-2006). Economic researcher at the Arab Contractors Company – Top Management Information Center, Decision Support Unit (2000-2001).



Doctorate - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Cairo University -

Ph.D. Economics


Master - Cairo University / Faculty of Economics and Political Science -

Master of Science Economics


work experience

2006 - 2012

Part Time Teaching Assistant

College of International Transport & Logistics

academic experience


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Professional Experience


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

ELO416+ALO416 - Freight Forwarding Business

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

ELT316+ALT316 - International Trade Policies

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

EI312 - International Trade

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

EL113-AL113 - Microeconomics

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

EL124-AL124 - Macroeconomics

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

EL113-AL113 - Microeconomics

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

EL124-AL124 - Macroeconomics

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO416+ALO416 - Freight Forwarding Business

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

EI211 - Economic Analysis

2012 Spring Semester View All Content


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