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Assistant Lecturer

islam Ibrahim Salih

Head of Quality Assurance Unit


Mr. Islam Saleh is a Ph.D. candidate in the system logistics program at the College of Logistics / Maribor University - Slovenia. He is a Master's degree holder in the area of International Transport and Logistics. He has a Diploma in the International Transport and Logistics Management Molde University (Norway) in cooperation with the Arab Academy (Egypt), and a training course in the International Port Management program (University of Catalonia-Spain). He also has some professional certificates related to this field as International Road Union (IRU) train of the trainer and attended port management seminar organized by the Port Authority of Barcelona (Spain) with a total duration of 25 training hours. All of this helped him to improve himself in the theoretical and professional life. As well as gaining a sense of responsibility and maturity and understanding that good research skills and practice experience are essential to be successful.



Master - Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritme Transport -

Master Degree International Transport & Logistics


Diploma - Arab Academy for Science, Technology and maritime Transport-Egypt) & (Molde University College-Norway) -

Postgraduate Diploma International Transport & Logistics


Bachelor - Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritme Transport -

Bachelor degree Trade & International Transport Logistics Management


work experience

2005 - 2008

logistics Operations Manager

Logistics Departement

academic experience


Fields of Interest

Business, Management and Accounting

Business, Management and Accounting


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Honors & awards


Professional Experience


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

ELEO415 - Logistics Service Providers

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

ELE113 - Principles of Transport Operations

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

ELEO315 - Inland Transport Management

2023 Fall Semester View All Content

EL115/AL115 - Transport Operation Managment

2020 Fall Semester View All Content

EL115/AL115 - Transport Operation Managment

2018 Fall Semester View All Content

EL222+AL222 - Cargo Handling Management

2018 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2017 Fall Semester View All Content

EL222+AL222 - Cargo Handling Management

2017 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO324+ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2017 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO416+ALO416 - Freight Forwarding Business

2017 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO324+ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO416+ALO416 - Freight Forwarding Business

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2016 Spring Semester View All Content

EL222+AL222 - Cargo Handling Management

2016 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO324+ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2016 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

EL224+AL224 - Transport Economics

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO324+ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO416+ALO416 - Freight Forwarding Business

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO324+ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO416+ALO416 - Freight Forwarding Business

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2014 Spring Semester View All Content

EL224-AL224 - Transport Economics

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO324+ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO416+ALO416 - Freight Forwarding Business

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO424-ALO424 - Multimodal Transport Management

2014 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO324-ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2013 Spring Semester View All Content

EL224+AL224 - Transport Economics

2013 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2013 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2011 Spring Semester View All Content

ELO324+ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

EL222+AL222 - Cargo Handling Management

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO314+ALO314 - Inland Transport Management (1)

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO324+ALO324 - Inland Transport Management (2)

2011 Spring Semester View All Content

EL222+AL222 - Cargo Handling Management

2011 Spring Semester View All Content


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Location : AbuKir AAST CS104