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Assistant Lecturer

hussen magdy el husseny

Teaching Assistant


Hussein Magdy Elhusseiny is a PhD candidate at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. Currently working as a Teaching Assistant at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), College of International Transport and Logistics, Alexandria, Egypt. Teaching specialized transportation and logistics courses like Principles of Transport, Freight-forwarding, Chartering Management, and Logistics Operations Management. Besides, holding a MSC degree from the Arab Institute for Commerce and Goods Stock, AASTMT, in supply chain Management. Moreover, the researcher had published a conference paper titled: The Opportunities and Challenges of Applying the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs) on Road Transport in Egypt: A case study of Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, May 2017. Last but not least, the researcher is currently working on his PhD thesis.



Doctorate - Minho University, Portugal - Portugal

PhD Business Management and Logistics


Master - College of International Transport and Logistics - Egypt

M.Sc. In Trade Commodities and Stocks. Department of Supply Chain


Bachelor - College of International Transport and Logistics - Egypt

B.Sc. in Intranational Transport and Logistics, Transport and Logistics Management Department.


work experience

2013 - 2023

Training Coordinator

College of International Transport and Logistics

2022 - 2023

Training Coordinator

Spain and Slovenia

academic experience

2018 - 2024

Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant

College of International Transport and Logistics


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Honors & awards


Professional Experience

  • Reviewer
    Reviewed a Conference paper at the 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. Paper titled: A Comparative Analysis of Digital Maturity Models to Determine Future Steps in the Way of Digital Transformation
  • Reviewer
    Reviewed a Journal paper (Inderscience Publishers: IJTLID) paper titled: Assessing the Readiness for Industry 4.0 of Metalworking Companies: evidence in the South of Brazil.


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

BU003 - Logistics and Operations Management

2020 Fall Semester View All Content

BIS956 - Research Methodology

2019 Fall Semester View All Content

CB 855 - Freight Transportation

2019 Fall Semester View All Content

ELO425-ALO425 - Freight Forwarding Business

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

PM23 - Project Management

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

EL321-AL312 - Transport Law

2016 Fall Semester View All Content

EL115+AL115 - Principles of Transport Management

2016 Fall Semester View All Content


contact Me

Branch : AASTMT AbuKir Branch, Alexandria, Egypt

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Mobile : 01094425644

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Location : AbuKir AAST 005