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Assistant Lecturer

Alaa Mahmoud Sobhy Ibrahim

Assistant Lecturer


I work as a teaching assistant since I graduated in 2010. Pursuing PhD in Computer Science.



Master - Computing & Information Technology - Egypt

Computer Science


Bachelor - Computing & Information Technology - Egypt

Computer Science


work experience

2010 - Till Now

Teaching Assistant

Computer Science

2010 - 2011

Software Developer (Trainee)


academic experience


Fields of Interest


You can filter publications by years

Honors & awards


Bachelor Degree Excellent with Honor

Professional Experience


  • Volunteer at Resala

Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

CS331 - Network Protocols & Programming

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

SE291 - Introduction to Software Engineering

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

IS474 - Digital Transformation

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

CS322 - Operating Systems

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

CS331 - Network Protocols & Programming

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

SE291 - Introduction to Software Engineering

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

IS474 - Digital Transformation

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

CS111 - Introduction to Computers

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

CS322 - Operating Systems

2012 Fall Semester View All Content

CS322 - Operating Systems

2011 Spring Semester View All Content

SE291 - Introduction to Software Engineering

2011 Spring Semester View All Content

IS474 - Digital Transformation

2011 Spring Semester View All Content

SE291 - Introduction to Software Engineering

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

IS474 - Digital Transformation

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

CS322 - Operating Systems

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

CS481 - Computers & Society

2010 Spring Semester View All Content

CS405 - System Modeling and Simulation

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

CS111 - Introduction to Computers

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

CS322 - Operating Systems

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

SE291 - Introduction to Software Engineering

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

IS474 - Digital Transformation

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

IS373 - Database Systems

2010 Fall Semester View All Content


contact Me

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