Public Health and Epidemiology (1 hr lecture + 2 hr tutorial)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course is designed to provide students with principles of public health and epidemiology, particularly as it relates to pharmacy practice, in the context of local healthcare care systems. The course provides basic information concerning public health and epidemiology concepts and indicators. The application of biostatistics to public health problems are discussed including incidence and prevalence of health problems and death rates. Emphasis is placed on the principles and methods of public health and epidemiologic investigations, needs assessment, data collection, appropriate summaries and displays of data, and the use of statistical approaches to describe the health of populations. Topics include the dynamic behavior of disease; usage of rates, ratios and proportions, and clinical life table which measures and describes the extent of disease problems. The course introduces students to study designs, questionnaires, screening and surveillance and using medical databases. The course focuses on the role of pharmacists in health promotion and improvement of outcomes of therapy of common health disorders and controlling communicable diseases in the region. The course allows students to begin to link public health concepts and ideas presented in the classroom to real world experiences in the public health practice settings and environmental health protection. The students explore the leadership role of public health professionals, especially leaders working in rural areas and health education. Public health leadership concepts addressed in this course include: principles of leadership and management, team building, ethics and professionalism, planning, networking, budgeting and finance.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Define epidemiology, its key features, basic components and uses. a.2. Identify the different types of study designs, their strengths and limitations. a.3. Recognize the fundamentals of public health. a.4. Identify principles and applications of surveillance and screening. a.5. Outline the role of pharmacists in raising the health promotion and education as well as improving the outcomes of therapy of common public health disorders. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Solve different epidemiologic measures calculations. b.2. Interpret the results of different epidemiologic studies. b.3. Construct a suitable study design for different health problems. b.4. Select the appropriate measures of association and measures of public health. b.5. Relate the different environmental health issues to the health and wellbeing of the society. c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Apply the appropriate measures of association and measures of public health. c.2. Design a plan for conducting surveillance and screening of public health problems. c.3. Practice problem solving through different case studies and study questions d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Implement proficiency in writing, presentation and communication skills. d.2. Practice independent learning needed for continuous professional development.


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  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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