Liquid dosage forms (2 hrs Lecture+2 hrs Practical)

  • College of Pharmacy |


This course aims at offering students the basic skills for formulating and compounding liquid dosage forms. The student will be provided with the knowledge and skills regarding the properties and utility of the different components of liquid dosage forms. Multiple practical and theoretical exercises will be used to enable the student to apply the acquired knowledge in overcoming simple formulation problems related to drug properties and/or formulation stability.


Bachelor of Pharmacy-B Pharm


  • a. Knowledge and Understanding a.1. Define liquids, suspensions and emulsions a.2. Describe the various techniques used in the preparation of liquid dosage forms. a.3. Identify the basic factors that control the stability of liquid dosage forms. a.4. Discuss the various additives used in liquids, suspensions and emulsions and their relevance in the manufacture of various liquid dosage forms. b. Intellectual Skills b.1. Examine the methods and techniques that could be applied to prepare liquids, suspensions and emulsions. b.2. Differentiate between the types of liquids, suspensions & emulsions and their suitability to various dosage forms. b.3. Analyze different laws related to their stabilization and complexation. c. Professional and Practical Skills c.1. Prepare dispersed phase pharmaceutical dosage forms (solutions, colloids, emulsions and suspensions). c.2. Practice stabilization methods of various disperse systems. c.3. Practice numeracy and calculation. d. General and Transferable Skills d.1. Develop effective communication skills d.2. Promote self-learning using textbooks and internet.


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Course Content

content serial Description
15Liquid dosage forms
1Solubility and solubilization phenomena (1) (lecture) The prescription - Extemporaneous dispensing – Pharmaceutical abbreviations (practical)
2Solubility and solubilization phenomena (2) (lecture) The prescription - Extemporaneous dispensing – Pharmaceutical Abbreviations (2) (practical)
3Interfacial Phenomena & surface-active agents (1) (lecture) Weights and measures(practical)
4Interfacial Phenomena & surface-active agents (2) (lecture) Pharmaceutics laboratory tools(practical)
5Introduction to monodisperse systems. Theoretical consideration and development of pharmaceutical solutions(lecture) Introduction to Solutions preparation (practical)
6Types of pharmaceutical vehicles (aqueous and non-aqueous) (lecture) Solution preparation (Simple syrup)(practical)
7Pharmaceutical excipients (lecture) Solution preparation (Tincture Iodine)(practical)
8Types of pharmaceutical solutions and methods to enhance solubility of drugs (lecture) Solution preparation (Dettol disinfectant solution) (practical)
9Introduction to disperse systems: Colloids (lecture) Solution preparation (Paracetamol pediatric Elixir)(practical)
10Theoretical consideration and development of pharmaceutical suspensions (lecture) Introduction to suspension preparation and methods of stabilization (practical)
11Types of suspension formulations (flocculated and deflocculated systems) - Additives added (lecture) Suspension preparation (Magnesium trisilicate mixture) (practical)
12Theoretical consideration and development of pharmaceutical emulsions (lecture) Suspension preparation (Calamine lotion) (practical)
13Determination of type of pharmaceutical emulsions and emulsion stability (lecture) Introduction to emulsion preparation - Emulsions preparation (Liquid paraffin emulsion) (practical)
14Rheology (1) (lecture) Emulsion preparation (Turpentine liniment) (practical)
15Rheology (2) (lecture) Emulsion preparation (Triethanolamine cleansing solution) (practical)

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