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hayam morsi abo el ella morsi

Head of Aquaculture department


Dr. Haiam Morsy Aboul-Ela was graduated from the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University department of Biochemistry (Special degree) in 1996. In 1999, she had a post graduate diploma in Bioscience and Technology from IGSR- Egypt. She was appointed as Research assistant in NIOF in 2003 and earned her MSc. in 2008 on the impact of marine pollutants on fish health . She had her PhD on Biochemistry in 2013 on the applications of marine natural resources, and became a senior researcher in Marine Biotechnology Lab. at NIOF. She is engaged to many scientific contributions including scientific projects, and supervising postgraduates, as well as research team leading. Also, she is an active scientific blogger and science writer in Arabic and English language. She is an editorial board member in many indexed journals, has many professional activities and she is an advisor in many international organizations. She is an advisory board member in the National Biotechnology Network of Expertise (NBNE)- ASRT, and has about 22 published research papers in the field of Marine Biotechnology and applications of Marine natural resources. Now she works in The AASTMT as an assistant professor in the College of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology from 2019 till now. Recently, became the head of Aquaculture department. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5787-0838


work experience

academic experience


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Honors & awards


First award for the best article "Oxidative stress and DNA damage in relation to heavy metal pollution in marine environment"

presented in the International conference of Aquatic resources: needs and benefits", Sheraton Montaza, Sep. 18-21. Alexandria, Egypt.

Listed in "Marquis Who's Who in the World 2009", ISBN: 9780837911410


Scientific excellence in NIOF- 2021

Phylogenetic characterization based on Mitochondrial cox 1 gene analysis, antibacterial and antioxidant potential of the red algae Hypnea cornuta extracts

Professional Experience

  • Advisor
    at the International Institute for Academic Research and Development (IIFARD)India
  • The Egyptian Natural Toxins Society
    The Egyptian Natural Toxins Society representative in Alexandria
  • Egyptian syndicate of scientific professions skills.

  • the Directory of Marine and freshwater professionals OceanExperts

  • WSEAS active reviewers

  • The Arab Biotechnology Association

  • Member of the Egyptian Society of Experimental Biology (ESEB)

  • the Arab Materials Science and Nanotechnology Network (AMSN). ASTF.

  • member
    American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS)
  • member
    IJBST Journal group
  • member
    International Journal of Cancer and Biomedical Research
  • Board member in The Arab Biotechnology Network of Expertise. ASRT
    Advisory Board member in The Arab Biotechnology Network of Expertise. ASRT
  • Assistant professor
    Assistant professor, department of Fisheries technology. College of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology. AASTMT
  • Researcher
    Marine Biotechnology Laboratory. The National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries.


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

FT 471 - Graduation Project I

2022 Fall Semester View All Content

FT 481 - Graduation Project II

2022 Spring Semester View All Content

FN 362 - Marine Pollution

2022 Spring Semester View All Content

FT 361 - Research Methodology

2021 Spring Semester View All Content

FT 337 - Fish Diseases

2021 Spring Semester View All Content

FTE 242 - Ecosystem Conservation

2021 Summer Semester View All Content

FTE 351 - Entrepreneurship

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

FT 352 - Fish Handling & stowage

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

FTE 241 - Aquatic Biotechnology

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

FT 233 - Biochemistry

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

FT 113 - Chmistry

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

FTE 242 - Ecosystem Conservation

2021 Fall Semester View All Content

FTE 241 - Aquatic Biotechnology

2019 Fall Semester View All Content


contact Me

Branch : AASTMT AbuKir Branch, Alexandria, Egypt

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Mobile : 01091298862

Email: Send Email

Location : AbuKir D 144