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Assistant Lecturer

Abdelrahman Ibrahim Said Mohamed Saad

Assistant Lecturer


was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in 1992. He received the bachelor's and master's degrees in Information Systems from the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Cairo, Egypt, in 2015 and 2019, respectively, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in Information Systems. From 2015 to 2016, he was a soldier with the Egyptian Army. From 2016 to 2018, he was a graduate teaching assistant. Since 2019 and up until now, he has been an assistant lecturer in AASTMT. His current research interests include artificial intelligence, image processing, business intelligence, and bioinformatics.



Master - College of Computing & Information Technology - Egypt

MSc Information Systems


Bachelor - College of Computing & Information Technology - Egypt

BSc Information Systems


work experience

2019 - Till Now

Assistant Lecturer

Information Systems

2017 - 2019

Teaching Assistant

Information Systems

academic experience


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Honors & awards


Satisfies the requirements of NSF/IEEE-TCPP curriculum initiative, and won a best project award funded by the early adopter program in ‘Advanced Programming Applications’ Course-Fall 2013

Master's Degree Excellent with Honor

Bachelor's Degree Excellent with Honor

Professional Experience


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

IS479 - Digital Libraries

2019 Spring Semester View All Content

IS472 - E- Learning

2019 Spring Semester View All Content

CS481 - Computers & Society

2019 Spring Semester View All Content

IS171 - Introduction to Information systems

2019 Spring Semester View All Content

IS372 - Information Systems Theory And Practice

2019 Spring Semester View All Content

LCC116 - Introduction to Computer Applications

2018 Spring Semester View All Content

NC381 - Organizational Behavior

2018 Spring Semester View All Content

SE391 - Project Management

2018 Spring Semester View All Content

IS171 - Introduction to Information systems

2018 Spring Semester View All Content

IS478 - Integrated Information Systems Management

2018 Spring Semester View All Content

IS471 - Strategic Planning for IS

2017 Fall Semester View All Content

IS477 - Geographic Information Systems

2017 Summer Semester View All Content

IS273 - Database Systems

2017 Fall Semester View All Content

CS481 - Computers & Society

2017 Summer Semester View All Content

IS391 - Systems Analysis & Design

2017 Fall Semester View All Content

SE391 - Project Management

2017 Spring Semester View All Content

IS433 - Mobile Computing Applications

2017 Spring Semester View All Content

IS171 - Introduction to Information systems

2017 Spring Semester View All Content

IS391 - Systems Analysis & Design

2017 Spring Semester View All Content

SE391 - Project Management

2017 Fall Semester View All Content

IS171 - Introduction to Information systems

2017 Fall Semester View All Content


contact Me

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Location : Heliopolis AAST 207