●May 1980: B.Sc. Mechanical engineering, Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University. Honor status – Graduated first of 200 students ●Jan 1981 - Jan 1982: Demonstrator at Air Defense College, Alexandria, Egypt Jan 1982- May 1987: Demonstrator at mechanical engineering department, Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University. ●May1987: M.D. In Mechanical engineering, Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University Thesis Title: Dynamic behavior of a moving viscoelastic string. Area of specialization: Advanced dynamics, advanced mathematics, Mechanical vibrations, and Numerical methods for digital computation with FORTRAN. ●May 1987- June 1995: Teaching assistant, Mechanical engineering department, Alexandria University. ●June 1995: Ph.D. In Mechanical engineering, Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt Thesis Title: The Effect of hysteresis and air drag on the behavior of axially moving and laterally vibrating viscoelastic thread lines. Area of specialization: Advanced dynamic, advanced mathematics and Mechanical vibrations. ●June 1995 up to 2010: Lecturer, Mechanical engineering department, Faulty of Engineering, Alexandria University. July 2010 up till now, Associate professor, professor, Mechanical engineering department, Faulty of Engineering, Alexandria University September 2012 up till now, on leave at Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Alex., Egypt., Associate professor, Mechanical engineering department Teaching Experience (a)Undergraduate Courses Taught ●Demonstrator: Air Defense college, Alexandria, Egypt, and 1981- 1982, סּMachine design ●Demonstrator: Mechanical engineering department, Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, 1982- 1987. סּMachine design סּMechanical vibrations סּMechanical drawing סּTheory of machines ●Teaching Assistant: Mechanical engineering department, Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt, 1987 -1995 סּMachine design סּMechanical vibrations סּTheory of machines סּMechanical drawing ●Lecturer & Assistant professor: Mechanical engineering department, Faculty of engineering, Alexandria University Egypt, 1995 up till now. סּMachine design סּTheory of machines סּMechanical vibrations סּ Mechanical drawing סּHistory of engineering sciences סּMachine design using computer סּAutomatic control ●Lecturer: Arab Academy for Maritime and Marine Transport, Mechanical Engineering Department, Alexandria, 1996 up till now. סּMachine design סּTheory of machines סּMechanical vibrations סּMechanical drawing. סּMeasurements and control in power plant סּcomputer edited design ●Lecturer: High Technical Institute in Arab Academy for Maritime and Marine Transport, 2006 up till now. סּMachine drawing using computer סּMachine design ●Lecturer: Air defense college, Alexandria, Egypt. סּMechanics, 1999 סּMachine design, 2002 -2007 ●Lecturer: Faculty of agriculture, Alexandria University. סּ Strain measurements, 1995- 2005 ●Lecturer: Faculty of education, Industrial department, 1996, 2002, 2004. סּMechanical drawing. סּMachine design. ●Lecturer: Faculty of Engineering, University of Tanta- 2000 סּTheory of machines. ●Visiting lecturer: Faculty of Engineering, Beirut Arab University, 2003. סּ Machine design. ●Visiting lecturer: Faculty of engineering, Beirut Arab University, 2008. סּComputer aided design סּAutomatic control סּVibrations. ●Visiting lecturer: Faculty of engineering, Beirut Arab University, 2009. סּTheory of machines סּMechanical vibrations סּFundamental of mechanical elements. ●Visiting lecturer: Faculty of engineering, Beirut Arab University, 2010. סּTheory of machines סּMechanics of materials סּMechanics of partials . ●Visiting professor: On leave at Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Alex., Egypt. 2012 up till now , Faculty of engineering, סּTheory of machines סּ Mechanical vibrations סּ Machine design. סּ. Computer aided design סּ Mechanical drawing. (b)Postgraduate: סּFundamental of Mechanical vibrations סּNonlinear vibrations סּMeasuring strain and stresses סּViscoelastic materials סּFatigue loads סּComputer aided design. סּModeling and simulation of mechanical systems Engineering Experience ●Summer Training: Cars Company, Austria, 1979. Member of Committee, Faculty of Engineering, and Alexandria University in Charge of:- ●Assembly and Transporting of Printing Machines of Alexandria University from Faculty of Law to Smouha Building, Alexandria, 1999 ●Examination the Validity of High Lifting Capacity of Hydraulic Jacks for Alexandria Prime Court, 1999 ● ion and Composing Technical Specifications of Copy machines for Victory School, Alexandria, 2000 ●Price Estimation of Heavy-Duty Equipment and Cranes for Alexandria National Marina,.2000. ●Examination the Validity of Copy and Printing Machines for Alexandria primary Court, 2001 ●Examination the Validity of an Oxygen Vessel for Damnhour Education Hospital, 2002 ●Examination the Validity of 12 Elevators for Alexandria Prime Court Building, El Manshia, 2002 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of Copy Machines for Central Library Alexandria University, 2002 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of Copy Machines for Head of Alexandria University Office, 2002 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of Copy Machines for Faculty of Manners, Alexandria University, 2002 ●Purchasing the Processing Table of Institute of Medicine Research, Alexandria University, 2002 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of Copy Machines for Publication Department of Alexandria University, 2003 ●Purchasing the Furniture of Bagoush Camp, Alexandria University, 2003 ●Examination the Validity of the Elevators for Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, 2004 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications for Copy Machines for Faculty of Law- Alexandria University 2004 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of Printing Card Machine for Farous Club, Alexandria University, 2004 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of Printing and Copy Machines for Faculty of Nurses, Alexandria University 2005 ●Examination the Validity of Two Elevators for Hospital of Alexandria Petroleum Company, 2005 ●Examination the Validity of Two Elevators for products Company, Cairo, 2008 ●Design and Assembly a tower of cleaner production for El Nasha Company, Alexandria, 2009 ●Examination the Validity of package machine for oils Company for Alexandria Prime Court, 2009. ●Examination the Validity of passenger cars for Alexandria Prime Court, 2009 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of Copy Machines for Students city of Alexandria University, Somoha Alexandria 2010 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of Copy Machine for Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, 2011 ● Examination the Validity of Three Elevators for holding company for maritime and land transport, Alexandria, 2011 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications for elevators of holding company for maritime and land transport, Alexandria, 2011 ●Revision of engineering drawings for company of manufacture the tanks-2011 ●Revision of engineering drawings for transformer base, company of manufacture the transformers-2011 ●Design the construction the cracked parts of crane for union Arab company -2011 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications of wires used for cranes of Containers Company in Alexandria marine, 2011 ●Evaluations the old cranes and cars of containers company in Alexandria and Dekala marine, 2011 ●Evaluations the main components of production line of dry date, Siwa company, Marsa Matrooh city 2011 ●Consultant of the construction dry and wet vessel used for repairing the ships Alexandria marine, 2011 ●Consultant of the construction and maintenance the railways of cranes Alexandria marine, 2012 ●Design the construction of electric motor used for furnace El Nour company - Alexandria –Bourg E arab- 2012 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications for elevator of Alexandria woman developing center 2012. ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications for elevators of faculty of medicine, Alexandria Unv., 2012 ● ion and Composing of Technical Specifications for elevators of El Gomhoria hospital, Alexandria city, 2012 ●Consultant of the construction weight measurement devices for trucks ,El Naser for salts Alexandria- Borg El Arab – El Areesh , 2012