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Assistant Lecturer

Eman Mohamed Abd ElAziz

Assistant Lecturer


I graduated from AAST, information systems department in 2009. I received my MSc. in the field of information systems in 2015. I started on my PHD in 2017, and finished in 2024.



Bachelor - AASTMT -

Bcs.Computer Science Information Systems


work experience

2009 - Till Now


Computer Science

academic experience


Fields of Interest

Research Indicators


You can filter publications by years

Honors & awards


Not applicable

Professional Experience

  • Not applicable


  • Not Applicable

Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

IS391 - Systems Analysis & Design

2022 Spring Semester View All Content

IS471 - Strategic Planning for IS

2022 Spring Semester View All Content

CS451 - Human Computer Interaction

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

CC112 - Structured Programming

2012 Spring Semester View All Content

CC114 - Introduction to Programming

2012 Spring Semester View All Content


Not applicable

Funded Project
Start Date : 30 Nov -0001-30 Nov -0001

contact Me

Branch : AASTMT AbuKir Branch, Alexandria, Egypt

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Extension Number : 1614

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Email: Send Email

Location : AbuKir Computer Science 210