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Associate Professor

Emad AbdulMonem Kamel Alsmahie

Associate Professor


I am a graduate of the Computer Engineering Department with a grade of (excellent with honor) in 1992. I got my PhD from the university of Sheffield in 2003 in the intelligent biomedical modeling field and machine learning-based modeling either using supervised learning (genetic optimization and neural network) unsupervised learning (clustering). I have attended a postdoctoral position in the University of Sheffield in 2015 during which I have conducted research project related to machine learning-based modeling as well. I have been promoted associate professor in September 2018. I am a lecturer in biomedical engineering department of the military technical college since 2003 and a senior lecturer since 2008. Furthermore, I am the head of educational affairs branch in Military Technical College since 2014. I have retired in 1/2018 (upon my request) and then I have joined the College of Computing & Information Technology - Cairo branch of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport as an associate professor since 2/2019. I am professional in programming using Matlab, C++, C, visual basic 6, visual basic .Net, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) as well as having very good experience on python. I have successfully completed many research work in the Military technical college and in the University of Sheffield since 2005 relating to human performance evaluation, Machine learning-based modelling related to biomarkers derived from the human's physiological/electrophysiological signals, human machine interaction and systems aided rehabilitation in both virtual and augmented reality environments.



Doctorate - University of Sheffield-United Kingdom -

Postdoctoral Studies Biomedical Engineering


Doctorate - University of Sheffield-United Kingdom -

PhD in Electrical Engineering Biomedical Engineering


Master - Military Technical College -

M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering Biomedical Engineering


work experience

academic experience

2017 - Till Now

Associate Professor

• Presenting Lecturers to Students. • Students’ evaluation of through Check tests, Quizzes, Mid-term and Final exams. • Supervising Msc and PhD students. • Participating in all administrative work within the department. • Participating in developing all the program plans to be d with the world standards. • Carrying out research work.

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

2003 - 2017


• Presenting Lecturers to Students. • Students’ evaluation through Check tests, Quizzes, Mid-term and Final exams. • Carrying out Research work. • Taking part in the administration work of the department.

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

1998 - 2003

Assistant Lecturer

• Presenting exercises / Labs to Students. • Carrying out Research work. • Taking part in the administration work of the department.

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

1993 - 1998

Teaching Assistant

• Presenting exercises / Labs to Students. • Carrying out Research work. • Taking part in the administration work of the department.

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport


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Professional Experience


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

LCC116 - Introduction to Computer Applications

2018 Spring Semester View All Content

CS142 - Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming

2018 Fall Semester View All Content

LCC116 - Introduction to Computer Applications

2017 Spring Semester View All Content

CS111 - Introduction to Computers

2017 Spring Semester View All Content


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