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Nancy Mamdouh Tawfik



Nancy Draz is an Assistant Lecturer of Supply Chain Management at Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport - College of International Transport and Logistics. She currently teaches Logistics Information Systems, e-Logistics and Customer Relationship Management courses in the undergraduate Program. Miss. Nancy Draz's current research focuses on e-supply chain applications: specifically, how the advanced logistics information systems develop the attributes necessary to respond quickly and efficiently to changing customer demand. Miss Nancy Draz holds a BSc degree in International Transport Management from the Arab Institute for Trade and Commodities Exchange, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. She obtained her BSc in Computing and Information Technology, Information Systems department, English Section.



Doctorate - University Plymouth -

PhD Machine Learning in Supply Chain Management


Master - The Arab Institute for Trade and Commodities Exchange, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. -

MSc Supply Chain Management


Bachelor - College of Computing and Information Technology, AAST -

BSc Information systems


work experience

2008 - 2009

IT Administrator

Information Technology Department

academic experience


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Honors & awards


Awarded Certificate

For attending a seminar in “Rotterdam Rules” organized by the Jordanian Shipping Association.

Awarded Certificate

For attending a workshop in “INCO terms 2010” organized by the Jordanian Shipping Association.

Professional Experience


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

EL221-AL221 - Computer (III)

2011 Spring Semester View All Content

ELS324+ALS324 - E- Logistics

2011 Spring Semester View All Content

EL221-AL221 - Computer (III)

2011 Fall Semester View All Content

ELS324+ALS324 - E- Logistics

2010 Spring Semester View All Content

EL221-AL221 - Computer (III)

2010 Spring Semester View All Content

EL221-AL221 - Computer (III)

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

ELS314+ALS314 - Introduction to Supply Chain Management

2010 Fall Semester View All Content

EL221-AL221 - Computer (III)

2009 Spring Semester View All Content

EL221-AL221 - Computer (III)

2009 Fall Semester View All Content


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